

Dior Couture 2011: Modern Art with a Vintage Twist

I just stumbled upon pictures from the Christian Dior Couture show in Paris this week, via Jezebel. All I can say is WOW. Even though we're knee-deep in a worldwide economic recession, it's refreshing to see extravagant, over-the-top works of art in the form of fashion. Couture has never been made for practical purposes-- most of us will never own a piece of couture, but it is inspiring to see fashion pushed to its limits, and raised to the level of fine art.
That being said, the recent Dior show of couture pieces created by designer John Galliano is inspiring to say the least. It caught my eye primarily because of the obvious reference to mid-century fashion. Familiar silhouettes from the 1940's and 50's have been given new life with incredible modern fabrics and colors, as well as slightly futuristic-looking structure.

This article from gives an interesting insight into Galliano's influences, mainly the illustrator René Gruau, who worked for Dior in the forties and fifties. Looking closely at the fabric he used, you can see how the patterns, colors, and textures mimic an illustrator's graphite and pastel drawings. Galliano himself started his career as a fashion illustrator before turning to design.

What do you think?



Outfit Post: Restaurant Week

So last night Josh and I went out to a very nice dinner at a fancy seafood restaurant. We're kind of poor right now, but figured that we should take advantage of it being Madison Restaurant Week. This is a wonderful twice yearly event where numerous local restaurants offer a 3 course dinner for $25. . .and when you're dining at a place that usually charges $25-$40 per entree, this is a great deal!
Also, going out to eat is always a great reason to get dressed up. It is difficult, though, to look chic when it's 5 degrees outside. I solved this problem in part by wearing my wool-lined black leggings instead of tights. Here's the outfit:
Vintage gold dress that I recently altered to fit me (it was about 2 sizes too big) and added the black ribbon waisband and black bowtie.
1950's black cardigan with beading and pearls decorating the front and hem that I purchased in Atlanta over Christmas.
Brand new (to me) boots that I found at a thrift store this weekend. . .  They're brown suede with snakeskin embellishment and gold-capped toes!




Thrifty Thursday!

Yesterday I took a trip about 20 miles out of town to the mythical Columbus Antique Mall (and Christopher Columbus Museum). I say it's mythical because I've been hearing about it for a long time, but for some reason have never made it out. My friends told me it was so big that we would need to spend the whole day there. I was skeptical, but it turns out that they were right. It just went on and on- booth after booth of antique kitchenware, knick-knacks, vintage clothing, jewelry, collectibles-- it was crazy!
Luckily (I think), it was not super cheap so I didn't come home with a trunk full of stuff. But I did find a few great items, like this pink and white wiggle dress (which I didn't try on in the store but it fits perfectly!), and this amazing upholstered handbag that I've decided to sell.

Happy thrifting!




Weekly Wishlist: Winter White

We got at least a foot of fresh new snow here in Southern Wisconsin yesterday. The temperatures are rapidly dropping and I hear that by tomorrow it will be well below zero degrees. I know there are two or three months of this cold, dark winter still ahead of me. Still, I am finding beauty and inspiration in the in the still, white landscape. 
Today I searched Etsy for lovely items that remind me of Winter in Wisconsin.
The perfect folk cape from Shop Grandma June

Hand Crocheted White Collar Necklace from Call Me Mimi

1950s  fawn boucle wool fur collar coat from Allen Company Inc.

1970s WINTER BLOOM cream plisse dress from Nautie Godiva

Hope you're staying warm and cozy!





New Craft Obsession: Tunisian Crochet

So yesterday was the 2nd Sunday Craft Party, during which a few of us crafty ladies got together to eat, drink, craft and learn. This week we had a fantastic lesson on Tunisian Crochet--what I am told is a great intro technique to knitting and crochet. Now, I have never knit or crocheted before (I know it's awesome and trendy to knit, but I just haven't gotten around to learning), but I found this method a pretty quick learn. And now, I think I'm hooked (to use a nerdy crochet pun)!

Our teacher was Sheryl Thies, who just released a new book: Get Hooked on Tunisian Crochet.
I also found some great tutorials on YouTube, in case any of you are interested in learning.

How to Crochet- Tunisian crochet or Afghan stitch by Naztazia

My first project is a neck cowl-- fingers crossed that it turns out ok! I'll post pics when I'm done!




Thrifty Thursday!

Today I went back to my new favorite thrift store, where I had so much luck a few weeks ago. Seems they haven't brought in much new stuff since last time I was there. . . but I still found some treasures. This time I took Josh with me, and to my surprise he didn't get bored after 15 minutes (he just doesn't have the stamina for thrifting that I do). He was actually a great resource, because he combed the menswear section more thoroughly than I would have, and that's where we found the most goodies.

Here are some of our finds-- a reversible plaid vest and a bright orange tie with an abstract pattern of people playing tug-o-war, several 1960s/70s plaid suits (one 3 piece!), and a killer black blazer with the most amazing lining. . .

Oh yeah, and also this amazing leather jacket. . . I know, I know, I have been buying too many leather jackets lately. I'm not sure what it is about them, I just love a nice soft broken-in leather.
The only piece of ladywear that I found is this lovely pair of leather flats:
Unfortunately, they're too big for me (size 9.5), but I'll put them up in the shop tomorrow.

Josh also did a good job searching through the housewares section (while I was fruitlessly digging through aisles of sweaters, skirts and dresses).  He found a roasting pan and a killer stir-fry pan for the apartment, and also this funky ice bucket:
It's got a silver pirate's ship on it. pretty awesome. But we already have a vintage ice bucket, so I think I'll sell it.
Finally, I found some fabric and other materials for an upcoming craft project. . .I'll tell you more about it once I get started!




The Exploitation of Vintage

Ok, can I rant for a minute?  I'm not sure how long this has been going on, but Urban Outfitters is now selling vintage on their site.  It's not surprising, given the success of indie sites like ModCloth that sell both new and vintage clothing. Also, I assume U.O. has had success with their "Urban Renewal" clothing line, which involves designers "re-inventing" vintage/second-hand pieces. I usually like their Urban Renewal items-- I certainly am inspired by some of the designs I see-- however I personally never buy these pieces because I think they're a tad overpriced, and I know I can make them myself. Well, the straight-up vintage items they are selling now are beyond overpriced. Take this wool dress from Pendleton. Sure, it's cute. . .but $238 cute?! Pendleton is a brand that I come across all the time. It's not designer.
Now, why would anyone pay so much for this dress when they can go to any number of sites, like Etsy, and find a very similar dress at a fraction of the price? I did a quick browse on Etsy for Pendleton wool dresses, and I came across all of these lovely finds (and none of them over $60!):
photo credits: fine and dandy vintage, vintage perspective, love fox vintage, heart city, tharpstout

I know that vintage has become mainstream and hip, but I think we need to remember that part of the appeal--part of the reason I buy vintage at least-- is the affordability and the desire to promote small businesses over large corporate chains.  I hope teenagers today can tell the difference.

Ok, that is all. Thanks for letting me vent. . ,I'm going thrifting now!




Craft Project #1: Upcycled bow necklaces

So, as I mentioned in my last post,  I've been toiling away in my studio (and avoiding the frigid temperatures outside) working on various craft projects. I've been making jewelry for a long time, and using bits and pieces of vintage ephemera is my favorite way to create unique pieces. Last week, my friend Claire (of Mamushka Marie) came over and wanted to know how I made the fabric bows that I showed in my "Gift Wrapping" post. She thought they'd be great if we made them smaller and incorporated them into jewelry pieces. I agreed. This is something that had been in the back of my mind for some time, actually. So I went to work making tiny fabric bows and pairing them with charms and chains from salvaged vintage pieces. Yesterday, I debuted the necklaces at the Crafting Social Sunday (which was a blast, by the way-- we made "softies" and mine is very ugly but lovable none-the-less!).

BTW-- a few of the necklaces are already on Etsy.

Now onto other projects. . .Happy Crafting!





Yesterday and today I've had a surge of creative energy. . .I spent all afternoon yesterday in my studio, sewing and crafting. Part of the reason for this recent need to create is that a friend of mine is hosting an impromptu Crafting Social Sunday and After-Holiday Handmade Sale this weekend, and she asked me to bring some hand-made goodies to sell. This was just the kick-in-the-pants that I needed to get going on some projects that I've had on the back burner for a while anyways.  . . I've been collecting "inspiration" photos of items I'd like to reproduce with my own aesthetic/twist. I'll share pics of some of my finished projects when they are in fact fini, but for now--INSPIRATION!
 photo credits: Anthropologie, Vintage Dutch Girl, Salvage Life, Crooked Sister

where do you look for inspiration?

