

Thrifty Thursday!

Yesterday I took a trip about 20 miles out of town to the mythical Columbus Antique Mall (and Christopher Columbus Museum). I say it's mythical because I've been hearing about it for a long time, but for some reason have never made it out. My friends told me it was so big that we would need to spend the whole day there. I was skeptical, but it turns out that they were right. It just went on and on- booth after booth of antique kitchenware, knick-knacks, vintage clothing, jewelry, collectibles-- it was crazy!
Luckily (I think), it was not super cheap so I didn't come home with a trunk full of stuff. But I did find a few great items, like this pink and white wiggle dress (which I didn't try on in the store but it fits perfectly!), and this amazing upholstered handbag that I've decided to sell.

Happy thrifting!



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