


Yesterday and today I've had a surge of creative energy. . .I spent all afternoon yesterday in my studio, sewing and crafting. Part of the reason for this recent need to create is that a friend of mine is hosting an impromptu Crafting Social Sunday and After-Holiday Handmade Sale this weekend, and she asked me to bring some hand-made goodies to sell. This was just the kick-in-the-pants that I needed to get going on some projects that I've had on the back burner for a while anyways.  . . I've been collecting "inspiration" photos of items I'd like to reproduce with my own aesthetic/twist. I'll share pics of some of my finished projects when they are in fact fini, but for now--INSPIRATION!
 photo credits: Anthropologie, Vintage Dutch Girl, Salvage Life, Crooked Sister

where do you look for inspiration?



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