

Thrifty Thursday!

Today I went back to my new favorite thrift store, where I had so much luck a few weeks ago. Seems they haven't brought in much new stuff since last time I was there. . . but I still found some treasures. This time I took Josh with me, and to my surprise he didn't get bored after 15 minutes (he just doesn't have the stamina for thrifting that I do). He was actually a great resource, because he combed the menswear section more thoroughly than I would have, and that's where we found the most goodies.

Here are some of our finds-- a reversible plaid vest and a bright orange tie with an abstract pattern of people playing tug-o-war, several 1960s/70s plaid suits (one 3 piece!), and a killer black blazer with the most amazing lining. . .

Oh yeah, and also this amazing leather jacket. . . I know, I know, I have been buying too many leather jackets lately. I'm not sure what it is about them, I just love a nice soft broken-in leather.
The only piece of ladywear that I found is this lovely pair of leather flats:
Unfortunately, they're too big for me (size 9.5), but I'll put them up in the shop tomorrow.

Josh also did a good job searching through the housewares section (while I was fruitlessly digging through aisles of sweaters, skirts and dresses).  He found a roasting pan and a killer stir-fry pan for the apartment, and also this funky ice bucket:
It's got a silver pirate's ship on it. pretty awesome. But we already have a vintage ice bucket, so I think I'll sell it.
Finally, I found some fabric and other materials for an upcoming craft project. . .I'll tell you more about it once I get started!



1 comment:

  1. Hi there, Just wanted to say hi and that I think you have magnificent vintage taste:). I love how you've picked out some gorgeous mens' suits and the leather jacket is such a beautiful, rich colour! I've been to your shop too and I'll be keeping an eye on your goodies. I'm following you now:). xo
