

Fall Is Here!

Well, it crept up like a thief in the night. . . Suddenly, it seems, there are golden leaves covering the ground, the high temperatures plummeted from 80 to 55 degrees, and I had to dig through my closet for scarves, mittens and wool tights. Fall is here. Summer is officially over, and while I'm a little bit sad- mainly because my long "to do" list of Summer activities was once again unfulfilled, I'm also excited about the changing season. Fall is the most beautiful time of year here in Wisconsin. Growing up in the South, I didn't get to see the drastic change in seasons that we have up here. Going for a drive out in the country to an apple orchard, kicking around in the piles of muli-colored leaves, having a bonfire with friends on a chilly Autumn night. . . these are things to look forward to. Also, Fall is my favorite fashion season. Layering is key and that means there are endless possibilities.
Even two weeks ago when it was 85 degrees outside, I was thinking about and planning my Fall wardrobe. Josh and I will be in the UK in a couple weeks, so unfortunately (well, not really. . .) I'll miss a good chunk of the season here, but I hear the weather there is sort of comparable this time of year. So, here is my list of my top 10 favorite Fall wardrobe items/looks, and a few outfits from my closet that pull these ideas together.

1. Boots- I have a bit of a boot fetish, with around 10 pairs from cowgirl to biker to ankle (yet I always come back to my favorite pair of beat-up old tall boots)
2. Tights- This is a no brainer. If you're going to wear skirts and dresses this time of year in Wisconsin, you need tights. Luckily, places like Target carry an incredible array of colors, textures, patterns. . .hooray!
3. Black & Brown-  My favorite color combination! It's no longer a taboo to mix neutrals. . .in fact, it looks pretty damn good.
4. Longer Skirts- On the runways this year we've seen a lot of "longer" skirts, from the knees to the floor. My favorite length right now is "3/4" or just-below-the-knees. . .with a high waist, of course!
5. Hats!- I'm obsessed. I feel like all these years my head has been naked, but now I've discovered an enormous love for hats. Unfortunately, my head is also enormous, so finding vintage hats that fit me is tricky.
6. Androgynous- Again, this look was all over the runways this season, and there are a myriad of ways to pull it off. I prefer Annie Hall meets Heidi Klum-- not too masculine, but I love a funky vintage tie- paired with a mini-skirt keeps it sexy!
7. Plaid- Mad for it, I am. What's more fall than a plaid wool blazer or skirt with knee socks?
8. Southwest - Funky Native American and Southwestern-style prints have been popping up everywhere, and I love it!
9. Feathers- If you saw the pics from my recent fashion show, you probably noticed the fabulous feather hair pieces, handmade by my friend Emily Neumeier. Of course, I had to buy a couple for myself and have been wearing them frequently. . .now I've commissioned her to make me feather earrings!
10. Belts- Almost any outfit looks chic if you cinch at the waist!

3/4 length skirt & belt, thrifted; t-shirt, Alternative Apparel; hat, vintage; leather shoes, for sale on etsy
black & brown skirt, vintage a la Good Style Shop; boots & bag, thrifted
plaid wool blazer, vintage Pendleton (part of two piece suit); 1960's skinny tie, my boyfriend's closet (really); vintage men's fedora, thrifted; bag, vintage Dianne Von Furstenburg (thrifted); skirt, Forever 21; top and boots, thrifted
Southwest-chic via prints and/or accessories
skirt, handmade using thrifted fabric (see tutorial); sweater top, thrifted; bronze eagle necklace, yard sale; handmade feather hair extension, Emily Neumeier (unfortunately, not yet for sale online)




  1. haha I love boots too! I love all your outfits, especially the southwest chic outfit.

  2. the 3rd look is superb, tkz!

  3. I really want some cowgirl boots! They look so cute with the striped skirt!

  4. So cute! Love this post and the inspiration-Jessica

  5. To add to the tights - if you can find a pair that are wool-lined, you're golden! Ha ha. Seriously though, I used to hate tights but I find myself taking far more comfort in them these last few seasons. Love your third look, by the way, such a great tie!

  6. High waist skirts...a girl after my own heart. Love the pendant in your last pic. I need to get better about buying vintage so my outfits look as cute as yours.


  7. loooooooooooooooooove those skirts! so gorgeous!

  8. you did a great job styling those skirts! i especially love the one you made!


  9. ooo that last skirt is especially amazing. lovely!!
