

Busy, busy

My poor blog has been so neglected lately! I've been so busy protesting and getting ready for Prom that I haven't had time for much else. . . well, except for a little shopping and lots of creative projects! Yesterday there was yet another pro-worker's rights rally at the Capitol (looks like there will be one every Saturday for a while. . .) and I finally got around to making t-shirts to sell! I call them Solidari-tees!
I printed about 20 of these and took them to the Capitol with me-- they were very popular! Of course, a lot of people are capitalizing on this event, and I feel a little bit guilty about making money off a cause that I'm so passionate about. But, they were the only "unique" (non-mass produced) shirts for sale, and I was selling them very cheap-- It's all about spreading the message!
Also, in preparation for the Vintage Madison Pop-up Shop and Prom  I'm making t-shirts. . . haven't started printing them yet, but here are the designs.
We're also getting buttons made with the first design!

Finally, with what little time and creative energy I've had left lately I've been working on this line of collaged/painted suitcases. The first one is finished and up for sale on Etsy.. . .
The good thing about Winter is that it keeps me indoors and crafting. . . but now it's finally starting to feel like Spring. I'm super excited to bring my bike out from hibernation, put away my wool coats and feel the sun on my face! I just hope I can still be productive.



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