

Vintage Mecca

So, yesterday we arrived at Josh's brother's house in Washington for a much needed break. . . from driving, playing music, and from shopping!  We spent a day and a half in Portland-- the amazing city that I consider "Vintage Mecca".  I was fortunate enough to spend a summer there a few years ago, and I fondly remember riding my bike around the city's four corners just about every day, seeking out all the vintage and thrift stores in the city.  Turns out, there are so many it really does take an entire summer to visit them all. 

Obviously, I was anxious to return. This being the first time I've been back in 3 years, I felt overwhelmed by all that I wanted to see (in only ONE day!).  Unfortunately, it was too rainy and cold to bike around (imagine that! rain in Portland!?), so I dragged Josh from neighborhood to neighborhood in the car--- quickly pulling over (and nearly causing a few accidents) whenever a vintage store was spotted. I lost count, but I think we found at least 15. . .

I just found this blog: Shop Vintage Portland.  I really wish I had found it earlier, so I could have organized my day. . . ah well.

One of the last places we hit, and by far the biggest was House of Vintage on SE Hawthorne. I remembered it from before, but had forgotten the shear enormity of it.  After a full afternoon of thrifting, I'll admit that I was a bit overwhelmed and exhausted by it.  Honestly, it deserves a full afternoon of its own.  But I managed to quickly scour the whole place in about an hour-- eventually deciding on two purchases: a simple wool 1960's shift dress in an amazing bright pink color (which I'm keeping for myself) and a matching wool pea coat (which will be available on etsy as soon as I return).

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