

On the road again. . .

So for the next 3 weeks I'm "on tour" with my minstrel boyfriend, Josh.  I was very sad to have to temporarily "shut down" my etsy shop, but my goal on this trip is to stop at as many thrift/ vintage stores as possible- I plan on having a slew of fabulous new items when I return!

Today we are stranded in Laramie, Wyoming.  Apparently, it is not uncommon for them to have to shut down the roads during the lightest blizzards, because the ferocious wind causes "white-outs".  Josh is missing his show in Park City, Utah (bummer!). . . but I'm content to sit in a coffee shop and catch up on blogging, emailing, etc. I wonder if there are any good thrift stores in Laramie?

Yesterday we drove across the entire state of South Dakota. . .not too exciting until you get to the Black Hills, which are amazing! We made a quick stop in Pierre to check out the local St. Vincent de Paul.  Not bad. They had all of their vintage clothing separated out, which saved me some searching. . . but, of course, they priced the "special" vintage items accordingly. I picked up a couple cute things for the shop though.

Hope the weather clears up. . .next stop, Boise!

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