

Vintage Prom Re-Cap

So last weekend was the second annual Vintage Prom. It was soooo much fun, but man am I glad that it's over! We had a crazy couple of weeks between setting up and taking down the pre-prom pop up shop and then decorating for Prom over 3 days. My parents and sister came up from Georgia & South Carolina which was really fun! I think all-in-all it was definitely better than last year. We were so lucky to have beautiful furniture lent to us by A La Crate Vintage Rentals and funky 70's decor for our "lounge" (aka the make-out room) from Costumes With Character.
The "Prom Committee": Me & Rebecca
 The Prom King & Queen arrived in style in this gorgeous red 1960's limo!

Just like last year, the absolute most popular part of the evening was the photo booth by Voltaic Visual. Something about the way he takes pictures, makes everyone look sexy and glamorous!
Check out all the photo booth pics on Facebook!

So next year we'll have to top ourselves again. . . which means even more work, but I'm excited because people really seem to enjoy getting dressed up and dancing like high schoolers!


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