

Fashion Show!!

Once again, my poor blog has been terribly neglected due to my hectic schedule and inability to multi-task! This time, the reason for my absence is due mainly to 2 things:
1. Josh and I are going "on tour" to Europe in 6 weeks! I'm terribly excited but we're very, very busy trying to book 'gigs' (last minute, unfortunately), as well as make all the usual plans that go into a 5 week long trip!
2. In less than a week we're putting on our second annual Vintage Madison Fall Fashion Show! Again, I'm very excited, but there's a lot of work to do. I still have to decide on outfits and which models are wearing what, but other than that I feel well prepared. It's gonna be a blast! And a few days after the show we'll be doing another pop-up shop---this time for a full week.
Otherwise, I'm just trying to enjoy the last few weeks of Summer here in lovely Wisconsin! 


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