

Well, I just got back from a much-needed 4 day vacation. . . where did I go? Hawaii? no. New York? uh-uh. even better- Fargo, North Dakota! Now, it wasn't my first time in Fargo-- far from it. My honey, Josh, grew up there and began his music career there. This was sort of a homecoming for him-- his new album is finally out (so exciting!!) so he was back to play a show. We only spent 2 days in Fargo, then headed south to Josh's parents' farm.

Every time we go to Fargo it seems to be more and more mature than the last time. Now it seems to have fully blossomed into a pretty cool little city. The main drag, Broadway, has numerous funky shops, restaurants, an old theater and a historic hotel. Our first night in town, we had dinner at the Hotel Donaldson-- a lovely renovated hotel with a beautiful bar and rooftop lounge (complete with hot tub!). Then we went across the street to the Ecce Gallery & Yoga Studio to see an intimate show with our friends from Storyhill.  The gallery was in one of many historic buildings on Broadway that have been well-preserved.
The next day, we did some shopping-- of course! There were so many thrift stores in the area, we didn't have time to hit them all. However, I did have good luck at the ones we went to. . .My favorite find was this pair of orange suede wedges.

Also, I discovered a vintage store right off the main drag that I'd never seen before. Revolver is a very nice little shop with very reasonable prices-- I highly recommend stopping in if you're ever in Fargo.
Later that day, we had a late lunch at the Plains Art Museum- another beautifully renovated old factory building. They have a little cafe inside with the absolute best turkey sandwich I've ever had.
Finally, Josh had his show-- at another art space/ yoga studio/ music venue. It was great to see him in his "element" with all of his old friends and fans!

Just goes to show that there are so many places to see in this world, and in this country. And sometimes just passing through a town or city isn't enough- you need to really get to know a place before you can judge it. 
Happy Travels!

1 comment:

  1. Hope you had a good time, that shop looks lovely!
    Follow and comment I'll follow back?
