So, I'm in the final stages of Vintage Prom planning. . . It's only 3 weeks away! (and just 4 days from now, we'll be setting up the Pre-Prom Pop Up Shop) I'm really busy but really excited- it's going to be a lot of fun! Even my mom is getting in the spirit-- Last week I got a letter from her with some photos. . . This is my mom at her prom in 1971:
Notice how she and her bff are basically wearing the same dress but in two different colors- cute! And I LOVE the white gloves!
Also, she sent me a pic of my Aunt Jean before Prom-- Must have been 1968 or 69.
Pretty in Pink! Classy. And again with the gloves. . . I need to find a pair.
So, I haven't settled on a dress to wear yet-- I'm still considering a few from my collection, as well as searching etsy. . . Ideally, I'd love a tea-length tulle number from the late 50s/early 60s. I'll tell you what I will NOT be wearing-- this hideous silver Cinderella gown that I rocked 11 years ago at my own Prom.
Ok, maybe hideous isn't the right word-- ill fitting? yes. my style? no, not at all. I remember frantically dragging my mother through shop after shop in the mall the day before prom looking for a dress (of course it was slim picking that late in the game-- why didn't Etsy exist back then?) because I had just decided to go to prom a day or so earlier. I didn't want to. I was too cool. . .it might hurt my "image". But my swell friends (most of whom had boyfriends, I did not) talked me into it. So I went. And I do remember having a good time. But now I am SUPER excited to have a second chance. I'll do it right this time. . . hot date, great dress, and I can order drinks at the bar instead of taking swigs of Southern Comfort from the same flask as 12 other people!
Holy shit! Your Aunt Jean looks so much like Sam it's frightening!