

Gift Wrapping

Tonight I'm staying in and getting some last-minute gift wrapping done before Josh and I head to Atlanta on Thursday to spend Christmas with my family. I think this year I put as much, if not more time into wrapping my presents than I did picking them out. But presentation is important, right?
I know you've probably all seen several how-to-make-a-bow tutorials out there. I've been obsessed with vintage bowties lately (maybe you read my earlier blog post. . . ) and recently decided to make more bows with all of the scrap fabric that is accumulating in my studio. I use them for all kinds of things-- bobbypinned in my hair, safetypinned on a jacket, or sewn onto a piece of clothing, like in this skirt that I recently put up on the website.
Most recently I decided to use fabric bows to decorate gifts. It adds a nice touch because the recipient can re-use them over and over again! Here's my version of the bow tutorial:
In addition to the bows, I found these adorable gift tags to add to my gifts! Download this one and more designs by Amy Moss at Eat Drink Chic!
The final composition (with vintage fabric instead of wrapping paper). . .

1 comment:

  1. those bows are the most adorable ever! we need to have a craft day together!! <3
