

10 things to look forward to this winter. . .

Ok, I'm in a funk. This week, it finally feels like winter has made it to Wisconsin. . . The days are so short (it's dark by 4:30!), there's a bitter chill in the air, and I fear I'm on the verge of the usual "change of seasons" head cold. My mantra is "I'm not getting sick. I'm not getting sick." Having moved here 5 years ago from the Sunny South, I still find Winter a bit fascinating, and I do love actually having 4 seasons (in Georgia there's only 2: hot and not-so-hot). But, still, the feeling of being on the verge of 4 months of bitter cold is a little bit daunting. So, to counter-act the beginning-of-Winter-blues, I've made a list of all the things to look forward to about Winter.

1.     Snow days
2.     Hot toddies, hot buttered rum, hot cocoa, hot cider
3.     Holiday Parties
4.     Wool leggings, wool-lined boots, scarves, fur coats
5.     Eating whatever I want because there are no beach days in sight
6.     Walking/skating across the frozen lake
7.     Fireplaces (ok, our fireplace doesn’t actually work, but I plan on finding a restaurant/coffee shop with one that I can curl up next to)
8.     Sleeping in (because it’s just too cold to get out of bed!)
9.     “Indoor Activities” (i.e. sewing, cooking, crafting. . . )
10.  trip to a cabin in the woods

What are you looking forward to this Winter?

P.s.--I'll leave you with some beautiful Winter-themed photos. . .
                a la New York Times

                          a la W Magazine



  1. My gorgeous new fur coat is my favourite part about Winter. Every time I shop I wanna buy more fur coats! They make you feel like a big teddy bear!
    I also love sitting by my fire with a blanket while watching tv. And I LOVE knitwear. xxx

  2. I cannot make a decision.... in general I deeply dislike winter and I think that there's no worse feeling than being cold... but in the same time there are all those lovely things you listed in your post... and sleeping in is so great when you're with your bf for example :) ...and getting together with friends to watch movies and drink hot chocolate.... after all winter is not so bad I guess...


  3. I'm in the reverse position: I am from the North, now living in a hot or not-so-hot climate, and oddly, hot toddies cheer me up too around this time of year!
    Found you through Fashion Butter, and am now following you. Visit me sometime!

  4. I'm looking forward to the massive amounts of knitting that I have lined up. I'm making a lot of gifts this year, and I'm hoping to squeeze in some decorations too. I'm also really looking forward to 1 December, I teach at a university and we'll be looking at A Christmas Carol and its film adaptations, so a few of us who teach on the course (and some tagalongs) are getting together to watch last year's film, decorate my friend's tree, and eat and drink Christmas goodies.

    I'm still in a funk, though, because every time I go out of the house I'm freezing and yesterday I slipped on ice.

  5. Thanks for all the lovely comments! Now I have even more things to look forward to this Winter. . .

  6. im looking to my very first snowy winter! I've just moved to Amsterdam (originally from California) and I can't wait for a "real" winter wonderland!

    Glocal Girl
