

Adventures in Vintage Shopping

Ok, It's been a while since I've posted. My apologies. I just returned from a week-long trip in Atlanta. My plan was to ravage the city's many, many great thrift stores and vintage boutiques. Unfortunately, I got sick the day before I left, and felt mildly crappy all week. So I spent more time languishing on my parents' sofa (watching cable- such an extravagant luxury!) than I would have liked.

I did, however, make it to my favorite spot, Last Chance Thrift Store, which had just moved to a new location around the corner from their old spot in Decatur. I have to say I was sorely disappointed. I did not find anything. The next day, though, was magical. My dad came home around noon and insisted that I get my sick self off the couch and do something. . .So I asked him to drive me all the way across town (that takes about an hour in non-rush hour Atlanta time) to this "clothing by the pound" thrift store I'd heard about.  It's an extension of the Clothing Warehouse, an awesome but over-priced vintage store in the Little 5 Points neighborhood (also a chain of stores with locations in New York, Florida, North & South Carolina and Texas) .

The clothing-by-the-pound store is adjacent to their warehouse where all the clothes for all of the stores initially pass through and are sorted. I expected the cbtp store to be dusty and bare-bones, but it was very nice- decorated like their flagship store in Little 5, but with most of the clothes in bins instead of on racks. Some of the items were in rough shape-- holes, stains, etc. But  a little digging proved worth-while.  I found a slew of amazing snap-front men's cowboy shirts in excellent condition, a few dresses from the 1970's and 3 pairs of amazing cowboy boots!

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