Wow. What a crazy summer it has been! Last time I posted, we had just started the Good Style Shop Collective. So far, it's going great! We've got new stuff coming in almost every day and the local response has been super supportive. And it looks like October 1st we'll be moving to a new, bigger space on E. Johnson St., which has much better foot traffic! Unfortunately, I won't be much help with the big move, though. . .
On October 9th Josh and I are embarking on a huge multi-national tour! We fly to London that day and will be in the UK, Ireland, the Netherlands and (hopefully) Spain for two months! This will be our second (annual?) European tour, and I feel really good about it because we learned so much from the last trip and have this one very well planned.
Ok, so we get back in the US on December 13th, but the tour doesn't stop there! When we get home we're planning to fix-up and old van that Josh's parents have and then we're hitting the road for almost a year! First we'll head down South to spend a month or two with my parents in Atlanta, while touring around the Southeast. Then we'll head to the Northeast. . . Eventually, we want to spend around 2 months in each part of the country with "home bases" in cities like New York, Boston, Austin, Seattle, and more. Josh will be playing as many shows as possible, while re-connecting with old friends and meeting other musicians. I'll be pretty busy too- helping with all the booking, press, web design, photography/ videography, merch sales, etc. PLUS of course, selling vintage on-line! And I plan to stay involved as much as possible with the GSS. . . I won't be here to work in the shop, but I will be sending them clothes from the road and working on whatever I can remotely on-line.
So it's hard to believe that 6 weeks from now I'll be leaving Madison for an entire year. . .But it's starting to feel very, very real. We moved out of our apartment of three years this week and are staying with friends until we leave. As always, moving was very stressful, but now I'm excited to have this time to enjoy the rest of the summer in my lovely city!