


So, I'm beginning to plan this fashion show for next month. . . Turns out it's a lot more work that I thought it would be. But, luckily, I have some awesome girls helping me. Claire, of Mamushka Marie Vintage, who is also participating in the fashion show, showed me a gorgeous picture of classic beauty, Brigitte Bardot, and we decided to use her as inspiration.
Then, yesterday I was flipping through the newest issue of W magazine, and there was this photoshoot featuring Georgia May Jagger, daughter of Jerri Hall and Mick Jagger. I absolutely love the documentary style that the photos are taken in, and the styling of the hair and retro clothing makes her look like Brigitte Bardot incarnate. Lovely! 


Vintage Madison Event

So, in preparation for the "launch" of the new website, I am planning an event. Along with 3 other local vintage mavens, I will be selling my wares at the East Side Club in Madison on Sunday, September 12th. Hopefully the weather will be nice, and we can sip cocktails at the tiki bar as the sun sets over the lake!
Also we are putting together a fabulous Vintage Fashion Show, and funky disco band V05 will be playing. . .So put on your platform dance shoes and get down!
More info available on facebook.


New Items on the New Site!!

I have soooo much photographing to do right now, and I'm slowly (but surely) filling the new site with fabulous vintage items!